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No one knew I was dying inside of embarrassment and I played it off as cool as a cucumber but that ignited the fire inside me. I was supposed to get these fancy photos but alas the iPhone was more idiot proof than my camera. I began to sweat, thinking to myself that this was not supposed to happen. In automatic mode, I clicked the shutter a few times only to find that my iPhone was taking better pics than this camera.

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I puffed my chest out and displayed this fancy camera and urged everyone to put their iPhones away. The photo opps at the Christmas tree with some children seemed fitting to break out my nice, expensive, shiny new camera. A couple of years ago, I was given a nice camera as a gift and figured that was all I needed to start this journey into photography.Ĭhristmas of 2015 is when I first picked up during a party at my house. Something deep inside me was trying to dig out and express something artistic but I couldn't quite grasp what it was.

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As a model, I would walk away from some photo shoots thinking that the lighting wasn't the best or the composition wasn't as flattering as it could have been of me.

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